Coax Accessories
Products to hoist, secure and support coaxial cables to structures at multiple points. |
Angle Adapters
Heavy-duty "beam clamps" used to adapt coax hangers to angle members up to 7/8" thick. |
Coax Block Hangers
Efficient, polycarbonate block system for securing multiple coax runs to structures. (max. 2 coax runs per block) |
Coax Block Hardware
Used to support up to 3 sets of various coax block combinations on a single threaded rod assembly. |
Clip Hangers
Stainless steel, preformed hanger that utilizes a clip and bail design to secure coaxial cables. |
Hanger Hardware
Included with the BBH and BCH series, these kits are also available separately. |
Butterfly Hangers
Stainless steel, preformed hanger that utilizes a captivated bolt design to secure coaxial cables. |